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Assembly roller PS1176

来源:seebio.cn作者:西宝生物人气:-发表时间:2012-03-26 15:21:50【

Assembly roller is a bench conveyor roller designed for the accurate and firm assemblying of plastic cassette. The manually adjustable cap provides an extreme flexible fit for almost any housing size. The roller can be adjusted to different speed.

Technical Specification:

Conveyor belt width: 250mm
YK1225 Maximun speed: 11.76m/min
cassette thickness: 3-8mm
Roller size:70/120 x 38 x 25 cm

Seebio Biotech, Inc.
11-502. Lane 299, Bisheng Rd.
Zhangjiang High Tech Park
Shanghai 201204, P.R.China
Tel: 86-21-50272975, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,Ext:6513,6515,6516,6520,6521,6522
For customers' complaint or suggestion: 86-21-50272981-6821, 6818
Web: www.seebio.cn

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西宝商城二维码 mall.seebio.cn 微信订阅号:seebiotech 泉养堂官网:www.canmedo.com
商城:mall.seebio.cn 微信订阅号:seebiotech 泉养堂:www.canmedo.com
此文关键字:Assembly roller PS1176