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Himedia 符合USP/EP/JP/药典的药用培养基

来源:seebio.cn作者:西宝生物人气:-发表时间:2012-03-28 09:28:00【

Himedia公司是微生物产品,寄生虫产品,免疫类产品,血清类和病毒学类产品制造商。应用领域包括:临床,工业,科研和 高校实验室。

Himedia公司成立于1973年,最初作为小的地区的培养基准备产品的制造商。28年来,HImedia 已经发展成为拥有多条产品线和为实验室提供全方面服务的供应商。 Himedia的产品目录包括微生物鉴别系统,质量控制生物,染色剂,试剂,干燥培养基,培养基准备,诊断测试试剂盒(EIA测试试剂盒,载物凝集试剂盒)等。Himedia 还可以提供定制服务和多种包装规格。

Himedia 作为全球少数高科技专有技术微生物培养基生产商之一,已经利用专利技术和专有技术开发和引进超过3000多种微生物产品。Himedia的产品遍布全球,与国际有名公司的产品相比具有很好的竞争性。


Code Product Description Package Application
MH011 Soyabean Casein Digest Medium 100G
A general purpose medium used for cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms and for sterility testing of moulds and lower bacteria in accordance with the harmonized method of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH024 Cetrimide Agar Base 100G
Recommended as a selective medium used for the isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH031 XLD Agar 100G
A selective medium recommended for the isolation and enumeration of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonella species from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH033 Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
For cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH063 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Recommended for the cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric bacteria from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonised methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH081 MacConkey Agar w/1.35% Agar, CV, NaCl 100G
MacConkey Agar is recommended for selective isolation and differentiation of coliforms from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonised methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH083 MacConkey Broth 100G
For the presumptive identification of coliforms from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH096 Potato Dextrose Agar 100G
For the cultivation of yeasts and moulds from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH118 Mannitol Salt Agar 100G
For selective isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by armonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH1275 Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl   100G
Recommended as a diluent for carrying out microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of pharmaceutical products in accordance with USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH144 Columbia Agar Base 100G
For detection of Clostridium sporogenes from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/IP/JP.
MH1491 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella 100G
Recommended for selective enrichment of Salmonella species from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH290 Casein-Soyabean Digest Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar) 100G
A general purpose medium used for cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonised methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH287 Enterobacteria Enrichment
Broth Mossel
For selective enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH443 Reinforced Medium for Clostridia 100G
For the cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by armonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
MH581 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 100G
Recommended for detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae from pharmaceutical products in accordance with the microbial limit testing by harmonized methodology of USP/EP/BP/JP.
Seebio 提供更多符合药典的培养基及更多包装规格,欢迎来电。

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商城:mall.seebio.cn 微信订阅号:seebiotech 泉养堂:www.canmedo.com